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Studying film, aspiring writer-director, interested in science as hobby.
This is my niche blog for subtle things I consider worth mentioning.

This quote is simple (often cliched) but when you read it at the right moment it's inspirational. Which led me to think about...

We May Die But the Dream Will Live On

This quote is simple (often cliched) but when you read it at the right moment it's inspirational. Which led me to think about my ultimate dream. While that truth is sad, it's also something else. Probably symbolizes the power of thought. Even if no one hears it, it will echo in your head, somehow get out, and reach out to other minds, somewhere, somewhen, somehow. But it will, eventually. Someone will think exactly what you had thought and "the dream will live on". I'm not religious, I don't believe in any sort of God, but I accept that we don't know everything in this universe and this alone is enough to feel similar. If you've seen enough sci-fi, you'll know there are spirituality without religion or God, or even literal spirit itself. It's simply a collection of emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, passions, existence of being. Unless the universe becomes a mystery-free place to us, this is how it is. Heck, even scientific spirituality is a reality because we can't possibly guess what happens next in Quantum realm. Enjoy the sound.

(The title of this article is quoted from a user on the YouTube comments)

Kenji Kawai - Kugutsuuta Ura Mite Chiru (Ghost in the Shell: Innocence)