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Studying film, aspiring writer-director, interested in science as hobby.
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They're USUALLY " longer than they should be ". Meaning, most games are stretched. Just like TV shows. That doesn't ...

Are Games Too Long?

They're USUALLY "longer than they should be".
Meaning, most games are stretched. Just like TV shows. That doesn't mean Dragon Age can't be 100+ hours. But there has to be enough meaningful content to be that long. Otherwise it is all about collecting feathers, doing retarded copy-paste side-missions like saving the villager, or shooting people forever.
There needs to be screenplay, there needs to be game mechanics that capable of the length and there needs to be a meaningful world. Until now most open world games were absolutely boring. There are at most 2-3 games that are not GTA copies that didn't bore me and didn't made me do same thing over and over again. Last open world game I completed was Far Cry 4, while I loved it, it was collecting diamonds for 60% of the time. There are infinite amount of diamonds in that game. I normally quit falling for Ubi's BS a while ago but I made an exception for FC4. It felt good for a while, but then I felt my time was wasted. However I would never ever regret the 162 hours I spent on Dragon Age: Origins.

A game must be as long as needed. Not longer, not shorter. That means most 5 hour FPSs being 2-3 hours, 10-20 hour FPS/TPSs being 5-8 hours, 20-30 hour mixed games being 10-15 hours. But some games can still be 30 hours, 50 hours, 100 hours or more. But nothing must ever be a second longer or shorter than needed. But this will not happen for the forseeable future. Companies are too frightened to make shorter games, and most gamers think "longer is always better", which, most companies try to provide to, hence make poor games. When majority of games are more than killng thousands of people, running hundreds of miles, it will change.

Beyond: Two Souls. Despite the script's humongous length, the game is only 11 hours. That means you need to earn those hours you want to extend your games to. It is not a piece of cake. It requires skill.
(I haven't played Beyond yet, it is one of the fewest games I can't wait to play when it comes to PS4)